Monday 2 March 2009

warm scene on weekend--from my diary

It's weekend. The air is fresh and moist. Birds are singing in the sky.

Many people are walking their pets along the lane and say hello to each other when meet by chance.

My classmates and i are playing soccer in the grassland. It is so long since i played soccer last time and i could hardly know how to handle the ball to make a breakthrough.
On the other side of the grassland , teenagers are having a contest in soccer with their parents cheering on the sidelines.
On the entrance of the common grassland, many kids are runing around the pillars with the help of their mummies or dadies. Puppies are frolicing on the grass.
The secene is so warm and my friend can't help using DC to record this-- what a tranquil but happy country life !

----------28th, FEB,2009

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