Tuesday 3 March 2009

shopping presentation and fulfilling another photo mission--from my diary

Today, our team have sucessfully had a presentation about our shopping day on 27th,Feb,2009.I learned that costume usually was used to describe those traditional clothes, " have good value" means something has good quality and reasonable price,"i am economising" means " i'm reducing what i spend".

When i finished my blog diary, my tutor Garrynxion gave me a comment and expressed his warm welcome about my visiting England.

In the afternoon, Andry gave us another mission:

first ,take a photoes on the campus that is about what was the represesntative of Cranfield University;

second,try to have a talk with a staff of the university and take a picture with him or her.

Mr Li and i took photoes near the airport what we thought was a typical sybol of Cranfield and we both are student in Department of Aerospace engineering, so it is reasonable to do this.

When we had a talk with a kind lady in SOE, she who was born in Pakistan was so amicable. Friendly she told us her uncomfortable feeling with being taken of a picture and uploading to the web but she was pleased to communicate with us and even wrote down some words below her business card to improve our fulfilling the mission .With other people's help, we visited a charming lady who were so patient to listening to our explanation about the mission and agreed to take a picture with us only in addition that we should just upload the photo to the web without leaking her name.

Wow,we finally made the mission!
Heartly thanks those amiables!


1 comment:

  1. Well done - you completed your mission! Mark says one in ten women don't like having their photo taken. It seems you found two of them!

    We say 'uncomfortable', not 'discomfortable'; and 'lady', not 'madam'. 'Madam' is usually used as a title like Mr or Mrs but not usually as a noun.
