Sunday 15 March 2009

First Visiting London

It is a sunny day. We took stagecoach to London along the expressway M1.

We arrived Westminster Church at about half past 12 am. Having taken some photoes near the church and Bigben, Yellowsun and I went to the British Museum by foot along the Parliament St.

We watched the guard relieving in the Household Cavalry Museum and had our lunch in a restaurant nearby the National Gallery.

When we got to the British Museum, it's nearly 3 pm. I was deeply impressed about the vast holdings of the Museum. The incomparable collections span prehistory to the Present day and consist of objects from every part of the world.

My friends and I visited the rooms about ancient Egypt, ancient Roma and Greek, Asia in a hurry because of the time. Of course, prepairing not well is another reason. Though, I still took a few interesting photoes about the diversity of human cluture.

Such as Greek Armour, especially a helmet from Greece with noseguard and cheek pieces, it is guessed to be made in 474 BC.

Marble statue of Apollo playing lyre, Cyrene , Libya. (because the area came from the oracle of Apollo in 485-425 BC. )

Some mummes: the ancient egyptians believed that it was necessary for the body to be preserved for the next life, in which the spirit of a man or woman who had safely passed the judgement of the gods would be transfigured, becoming a diving being. Method of the mummification developed over centuried. First is just a natural process. At the time of 1570 BC, basic formula has been evolved, over a period of 70 days, corpse been removed brains and internal organs, then be dried with some natural material. Dehydrated the body but keep the skin supple. Then after treatment with ointment, spices and resins,it was wrapped with bandages. The internal organs were also treated and be put into 4 canopic jars. At last, Burial would take place in a wooden coffin or sarcophagus. Mommyfication was not confined to humans--the collections include mummyfied dogs, cats, crocodiles.

Head of Augustus:Great-nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar, defeated Antony and Cleopatra of Egypt and be given the name "Augustus" by Roman Senate in 27 BC. Actually his eyes and eyebrows jutted out and then turned inwards. He has small teeth, few and dirty. Sometimes he limped.

Shiva and Parvati: Shiva is one of the great Hindu gods. His personality is mysterious and mainly have five aspects: creation, preservation, destruction,concealment and favour. He is commonly depicted as a standing pillar. He and his consort Parvati often were worshipped as power presentations of male, female--the union of opposite.

In Hinduism many goddesses are worshipped and be called "devi". Because of the connection between the fertility of the earth and female reproduction, they often referred to as "Mother". The soil can be seen as the body of the goddess, the features of the landscape being her own physical features. The goddess as a rule, when worshipped alone is fierce, but when she is the consort of a male deity she is benevolent. The great male gods are usually attended by a goddess. There are another wonderful treasures and antiques in the Museum, such as beautiful rings, gold necklaces, music bell from ancient china, etc.

Time flies, We had to get on the bus for home.

I could not help buying some souvenirs: a watch with Portland jar paitings on the belt, a bookmark, some keyrings and badges, a book about the treasures in the Museum.

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