Sunday 15 March 2009

First Visiting London

It is a sunny day. We took stagecoach to London along the expressway M1.

We arrived Westminster Church at about half past 12 am. Having taken some photoes near the church and Bigben, Yellowsun and I went to the British Museum by foot along the Parliament St.

We watched the guard relieving in the Household Cavalry Museum and had our lunch in a restaurant nearby the National Gallery.

When we got to the British Museum, it's nearly 3 pm. I was deeply impressed about the vast holdings of the Museum. The incomparable collections span prehistory to the Present day and consist of objects from every part of the world.

My friends and I visited the rooms about ancient Egypt, ancient Roma and Greek, Asia in a hurry because of the time. Of course, prepairing not well is another reason. Though, I still took a few interesting photoes about the diversity of human cluture.

Such as Greek Armour, especially a helmet from Greece with noseguard and cheek pieces, it is guessed to be made in 474 BC.

Marble statue of Apollo playing lyre, Cyrene , Libya. (because the area came from the oracle of Apollo in 485-425 BC. )

Some mummes: the ancient egyptians believed that it was necessary for the body to be preserved for the next life, in which the spirit of a man or woman who had safely passed the judgement of the gods would be transfigured, becoming a diving being. Method of the mummification developed over centuried. First is just a natural process. At the time of 1570 BC, basic formula has been evolved, over a period of 70 days, corpse been removed brains and internal organs, then be dried with some natural material. Dehydrated the body but keep the skin supple. Then after treatment with ointment, spices and resins,it was wrapped with bandages. The internal organs were also treated and be put into 4 canopic jars. At last, Burial would take place in a wooden coffin or sarcophagus. Mommyfication was not confined to humans--the collections include mummyfied dogs, cats, crocodiles.

Head of Augustus:Great-nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar, defeated Antony and Cleopatra of Egypt and be given the name "Augustus" by Roman Senate in 27 BC. Actually his eyes and eyebrows jutted out and then turned inwards. He has small teeth, few and dirty. Sometimes he limped.

Shiva and Parvati: Shiva is one of the great Hindu gods. His personality is mysterious and mainly have five aspects: creation, preservation, destruction,concealment and favour. He is commonly depicted as a standing pillar. He and his consort Parvati often were worshipped as power presentations of male, female--the union of opposite.

In Hinduism many goddesses are worshipped and be called "devi". Because of the connection between the fertility of the earth and female reproduction, they often referred to as "Mother". The soil can be seen as the body of the goddess, the features of the landscape being her own physical features. The goddess as a rule, when worshipped alone is fierce, but when she is the consort of a male deity she is benevolent. The great male gods are usually attended by a goddess. There are another wonderful treasures and antiques in the Museum, such as beautiful rings, gold necklaces, music bell from ancient china, etc.

Time flies, We had to get on the bus for home.

I could not help buying some souvenirs: a watch with Portland jar paitings on the belt, a bookmark, some keyrings and badges, a book about the treasures in the Museum.

Tuesday 10 March 2009


Last friday my friends and I returned home for our lunch at about 2 pm when we finished our interesting class of Audrey.

At the time of 3 o'clock. We four cohabitants drove to Milton Keynes for shopping. After a 8 or 10 minutes driving, we found that we forgot taking the hand-drawing route chart and we had to return home to take that in case of being lost. Unfortunately we lost our way and drove to a unknown village. On finding a railway right across the road, we all felt strange. Railway? it rang the bell, we must have deviated too far from the right direction. Our driver got out to ask the way and then we turned around. It took us nearly one hour to get to TESCO. Thank God, we arrived at least!

Having bought some vegetables, we decided to drive to JOHN LEWIS SHOPPING Hall for some other necessties. With the help of our hand-drawing chart according to searching result from web, we took notice of the traffic sign with breathless interest. Finally we arrived the Hall though it is at dark and streetlamps were shining.

Ladies were fond of searching for cosmetics, but we two guys were busy finding somewhere to buy badminton rackets. The ending was of course that everyone got what he or she needed without feeling being enjoyed to one's full because of the time.

In a hurry we drove home with worry about be lost again. Luckily, we found the right way according to the traffic sign and drove along the country road in the night though everyone was nervous.

When we got home safely, all of us couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief as if by prior agreement!

A terrific shopping experience!

When writing this diary now, I still feel the misgiving.

Friday 6 March 2009


Duxford is said to be famous for its aerospace base tradition. Today is sunny, clouds are floating in the sky. We ride a coach to the Imperial War Musem in Duxford.

Six hangars compose the museum. The airspace is alleged to be Duxford's landmark. And it is really worthy the honor. On stepping into the hall, I am stunned by the array of all kinds of aircrafts and aeroengines. Concorde, spitfire, Tornado...and many other ones which I have never seen or never heared their name befor even more. Also there are several kinds aeroengines in the exhibition such as piston engienes, turbojets engines, turbofan engines. Most of them were made by Rolls&Royce.

Another interesting hangar is the American Air Museum. Its hall is full of vigor when you look at it far away. When we walk in, most of us can't help screaming "wow". A strategic bomber named B-52 is right facing the door. And it's wing span is almost the same as width of the hall. What a titanic body! I deeply feel the meaning of the word " heavy bomber". Also in this hall, we firstly see the BLACKBIRD-SR71 ---the fatest and highest airplane in the world. Many classmates crowd to take photos with it.

Other hangars exhibits land warfare and some submarines, the content are varied which though i have not much interest in.

Time flies. When we have to return, everyone breath sigh of the limited time.

I do hope to re-visit Duxford.

Thursday 5 March 2009


If you want to make friends, resume is not enough. Resume is easy to make out. I have done it many times for whatever kind of need: job, study, issuing paper...etc. I have to say, I think resumes are not for people but just for organization because of its boring form and lack of feeling. Till now, none friend of mine have been found by myself just from his or her resume.

For the sake of making friends, sharing past experience maybe neccessary, that could help finding many commons each other. So, sometimes introduction is needed.

As to me, Michael.Yang, male, 172cm's tall, came from China, I was born in a rural village in china and was once a cute infant beloved by many adults-- not only because i was healthy and good-looking(just was, not now), but also because I was amiable to whoever i met and could remember them. Mother told me that I could be nursed by almost every warm elder whenever she had to work in the farmland.

My father has been a teacher, his attitude to responsbility and duty has produced effect on me just as what his hobbies have done.

Thanks to my parents' encouragement and my teachers' endeavors , I have been cultivated many hobbies during my time in school. Reading, sing, all kinds of sports such as table tennis, basketball, badminton, soccer... I am a typical Gemini and curious about what I don't know. To me ,life is a interesting course. I really enjoy my life though in which I have met all kinds difficulties constantly. My hobbies and inherited optimism always help me break through those tough time in addition with diligency.

I got my Bachor's degree on aeroengine in 1997. Then I had to go to work because of financial reason. Three years later, I returned to university to study for my Master's degree which I finally harvested in 2003.

In my spare time, I like reading essays and poems espcially chinese classical ones.Somtimes I have sports with my workmates, usually it's basketball or badminton. Whenever I finished my sports and returned, it is good time for me to appreciate music in popular board.

I like chating with those young guys in my office, exchanging opinions about work, sharing favorite music or useful knowledge etc. They usually think I am like a senior student in university especially being thirsty for unknown. I am very happy to hear this because I have been 34 years old and have been a senior engieneer in my field. I hope my mind would forever young just like my english name--Michael.Yang have implied--full of energy, forever young.

To me, doing a self-introduction is not easy. Not because I think I am a big shot, but because I myself always want to know-- who i am. Somtimes I look at myself in the mirror and can't help asking the guy in it "who are you? Is that me?", just as what I did twenty or even more years ago when I was a teen boy.

Someone said, there are not two same leaves in the world. I believe I am a unique one just as what other people is in the world.

But I am still in the course of finding myself.

Marbe you could help me. Would you mind?

If you are on the same way, how about helping each other?

Tuesday 3 March 2009

shopping presentation and fulfilling another photo mission--from my diary

Today, our team have sucessfully had a presentation about our shopping day on 27th,Feb,2009.I learned that costume usually was used to describe those traditional clothes, " have good value" means something has good quality and reasonable price,"i am economising" means " i'm reducing what i spend".

When i finished my blog diary, my tutor Garrynxion gave me a comment and expressed his warm welcome about my visiting England.

In the afternoon, Andry gave us another mission:

first ,take a photoes on the campus that is about what was the represesntative of Cranfield University;

second,try to have a talk with a staff of the university and take a picture with him or her.

Mr Li and i took photoes near the airport what we thought was a typical sybol of Cranfield and we both are student in Department of Aerospace engineering, so it is reasonable to do this.

When we had a talk with a kind lady in SOE, she who was born in Pakistan was so amicable. Friendly she told us her uncomfortable feeling with being taken of a picture and uploading to the web but she was pleased to communicate with us and even wrote down some words below her business card to improve our fulfilling the mission .With other people's help, we visited a charming lady who were so patient to listening to our explanation about the mission and agreed to take a picture with us only in addition that we should just upload the photo to the web without leaking her name.

Wow,we finally made the mission!
Heartly thanks those amiables!


Monday 2 March 2009

sunday , wonderful sunday ----from my diary

In the morning , I walked in the village with earphone of radio when i went into the churchyard where many tombstones are on the tilt. Many religious believer were singing in the church and i could hear the melodous song .

At noon , my friend dove me to the campus. i chatted with my friends in hometown on line when i was having my lunch. Having finished my lunch , i went to the sports cetre where i saw some guys was playing what i had not seen before . One man friendly asked me if i was waiting for someone.I said "no, i am just curious about what you are playing." He kindly introduced "This is cricket, we are belong to the club.".Wow, this is what i have heard the most popular sports in India. It seems like playing baseball. But the guy whose name is AKARSH told me ,that when you wave you arm to pitch the ball, you must keep you arms direct that is to say, your elbow joint must be kept 180 degrees. When the batter missed the ball and the ball hitted three pillar behind the batter. the batter are kicked out. The rule sounds easy to understand. Another guy gave me a ball to have a pitching. I emulated those members with some cheating actions. It's wonderful.Those guys invited me to visit next Wednesday. They really are so kind. AKARSH told me he was a master in SOE and his major was engine design what he planned to go to USA to continue studying for his PHD degree.When i get out of the sports cetre , it was darking and my friend came to drive me home.
What a wonderful sunday!


warm scene on weekend--from my diary

It's weekend. The air is fresh and moist. Birds are singing in the sky.

Many people are walking their pets along the lane and say hello to each other when meet by chance.

My classmates and i are playing soccer in the grassland. It is so long since i played soccer last time and i could hardly know how to handle the ball to make a breakthrough.
On the other side of the grassland , teenagers are having a contest in soccer with their parents cheering on the sidelines.
On the entrance of the common grassland, many kids are runing around the pillars with the help of their mummies or dadies. Puppies are frolicing on the grass.
The secene is so warm and my friend can't help using DC to record this-- what a tranquil but happy country life !

----------28th, FEB,2009